Schedule a tune-up for the car
Schedule my physical, my yearly GYN exam, mammo, & blood work
Schedule husband's doctor appt
Plant flowers in flower bed & window boxes
Find a place to plant strawberries & do so
Plant herbs
Dig out compost and move it to the garden
Finish mulching veggie garden
Clean out fridge
Continue to tidy table
Finish reading Sister for book discussion
Buy refreshments for book discussion
Bake banana bread
Make hard boiled eggs
Vacuum under couch cushions
Schedule my physical, my yearly GYN exam, mammo, & blood work
Schedule husband's doctor appt
Plant flowers in flower bed & window boxes
Find a place to plant strawberries & do so
Plant herbs
Dig out compost and move it to the garden
Finish mulching veggie garden
Clean out fridge
Continue to tidy table
Finish reading Sister for book discussion
Buy refreshments for book discussion
Bake banana bread
Make hard boiled eggs
Vacuum under couch cushions