Monday, June 17, 2013

Another Week of Goals

Here are my goals for this week. Most will look familiar.

Schedule a tune-up for the car
Schedule my physical, my yearly GYN exam, mammo, & blood work
Schedule husband's doctor appt
Plant flowers in flower bed & window boxes
Find a place to plant strawberries & do so
Plant herbs
Dig out compost and move it to the garden
Finish mulching veggie garden
Clean out fridge
Continue to tidy table
Finish reading Sister  for book discussion
Buy refreshments for book discussion
Bake banana bread
Make hard boiled eggs
Vacuum under couch cushions

My First Accounting

OK. So it's been a week since I posted my first list of goals. Let's see how I did.

Set up the blog & go "live" - obviously a done deal!
Take the car for an oil change - done
Schedule a tune-up for the car
Schedule my physical, my yearly GYN exam, mammo, & blood work
Schedule husband's doctor appt
Remove weeds and dead growth from veggie garden - the garden is an enclosed 14' x 14' space and was nearly full of knee-high weeds & morning glory seedlings. With the help of my daughter, we cleaned it out. I also transplanted most of the morning glories.
Plant veggies - done!
Cut down the daffodils and weed flower bed - an area of 3' x 30', this was a lot of work, but it's done!
Plant flowers in flower bed, winddow boxes & hanging baskets - 4 hanging baskets are done
Fill tubs with soil and plant sweet potatoes - done! A total of 9 plants are in 2 drums.
Find a place to plant strawberries & do so
Plant herbs
Dig out compost and move it to the gardens - an on-going saga.
Mulch veggie garden - about 1/3 done; I ran out of grass clippings!
Visit Mom - I went down on Wednesday and helped John install her air conditioner. We had pizza for lunch, visited her friend in the hospital, and went out for ice cream. We had a great time!
Clean out fridge - I tossed some things but now it's time to toss some more.
Pay bills - not only did I pay the regular monthly bills, but I resolved some old, outstanding medical bills.
Wash pet towels, pet bed & rugs - I did this one twice. Its been a rainy week!
Start to tidy table - minimal progress.

In addition I:
Stacked firewood.
Bought & used cages for the tomato plants.
Helped my daughter take down, cut up & remove a small tree.

It's been a busy, tiring  week and I worked hard! Many thanks to my daughter for her help. She, too, worked hard on her own projects.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

This week's goals

It's Tuesday and these are the goals I'm working on this week:
Set up the blog & go "live"
Take the car for an oil change
Schedule a tune-up for the car
Schedule my physical, my yearly GYN exam, mammo, & blood work
Schedule husband's doctor appt
Remove weeds and dead growth from veggie garden
Plant veggies
Cut down the daffodils and weed flower bed
Plant flowers in flower bed, winddow boxes & hanging baskets
Fill tubs with soil and plant sweet potatoes
Find a place to plant strawberries & do so
Plant herbs
Dig out compost and move it to the gardens
Mulch veggie garden
Visit Mom
Clean out fridge
Pay bills
Wash pet towels, pet bed & rugs
Start to tidy table

Monday, June 10, 2013

When therapy doesn't work, you get creative

If you've stumbled upon my blog or if I've sent you the link, welcome!  You are under no obligation to do anything -- including reading or following my progress.

I've considered starting a blog for quite some time but never took the plunge. I couldn't decide what its focus would be nor was I convinced that I would stick with it. You see, I have issues. I struggle with depression. It zaps my energy and steals my motivation. I procrastinate. I have difficulty making decisions. I'm a perfectionist. When I tackle a task it's "all or nothing" and given my lack of motivation lately, it's been nothing that's getting done. I'm not a hoarder but clutter is an issue. I'm tired of it all and I need to make a change. I just don't know how.

That's where this blog comes in. I figure if I give myself challenges and deadlines - and do it publicly - I will rise to the occasion. I will be held accountable. And to be truly accountable one cannot be anonymous (although I will do my best to preserve the privacy of my family members). I am not looking for gold stars or public praise. I'm a grown woman who should be able to tackle a to-do list. I am just looking for a way to overcome my "stuck-ness" and boy! do I feel stuck! It hasn't been pleasant, for me or my family. I sincerely hope this blog helps to change that.

I will regularly post goals. They may be weekly or monthly, long-term or short-term, some I've avoided like the plague and others that are more fun. I will also post progress reports. That's where the accountability comes in. I'm sure I won't be 100% successful but neither are race horses, pro athletes, and top-notch surgeons. If I get some things done, progress will be made. I can't expect miracles, but I do strive for forward motion.