Monday, July 1, 2013

My Second Accounting

Well, two weeks have passed since I posted my last list of goals. I haven't given up, just making slow progress. I've been tired lately (poor sleep) and I went to visit my Mom last Sunday (a friend of hers is dying), so I needed the extra time to work on this list. Here's how I did:

Schedule a  maintenance appointment for the car - I scheduled an appointment for yesterday (6/29). The day I wanted (6/22) was booked. A few days after I made the appointment, they left a message on my answering machine saying I had missed my appointment on 6/22. Argh! I called and they had no record of my 6/29 appointment -- even though all of my prior interactions with them were via email! I made another appointment.
Schedule my physical, my yearly GYN exam, mammo, & blood work - done (Also scheduled daughter's yearly Gyn exam; she suggested we go together!) 
Schedule husband's doctor appt - done
Plant flowers in flower bed & window boxes - All of the flowers are in the flower bed, with the exception of those in hanging baskets.
Find a place to plant strawberries & do so - The strawberries are in the window boxes.
Plant herbs - basil & Mexican tarragon - done
Dig out compost and move it to the garden - exhausting but done!
Finish mulching veggie garden - done
Clean out fridge - All of the old leftovers have been tossed; the shelving could use a good wash though.
Continue to tidy table - It didn't happen.
Finish reading Sister  for book discussion - done
Buy refreshments for book discussion - done
Bake banana bread - My daughter did this. (Thanks!)
Make hard boiled eggs - done
Because so much time passed since I wrote this list, I actually had enough time to go for my GYN exam!


  1. You did such a great job getting this long list done! I know how great it feels when you look back at all you have accomplished.

    Lizziefx - Follow me #13

  2. Thanks for your encouraging words! I really appreciate it!
