Monday, July 1, 2013

My Third List

Happy July!

I have no idea who's been reading or following my progress, but I'm grateful to anyone who stops by. It's the idea that someone may be watching my efforts that motivates me and keeps me going. Thank you!

Here's this week's list:

Call the hospital & insurance company re: billing
Call Safe Home re: toiletries donation
Drop off clothes & shredder to Salvation Army
Drop off toiletries to Safe Home??
Write insurance company & cancel policy
Sort & file papers on kitchen table
Clean off the top of the dryer
Go for mammogram
Print out photos for scrapbook
Scrapbook pages/layouts for birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Game Night, Thanksgiving
Sort and put away scrapbook supplies
Pay bills
Apply Frontline to Brin/ Heartworm pill
Start to clear off bookcase/storage unit in bedroom
Have some fun when my daughter visits
Grocery shopping


  1. How does making a list work for you? I've found if I make a list, I tend to accomplish most of it, but I don't continually make them. Maybe that's my problem.

    Stephanie - Follow me #13

  2. Great to see that you are making progress!

    Magena- Follow me 13

  3. What a good idea to have a to-do list for the week!! I should probably start doing it to keep myself organized.
    (dlhwz, Follow me #13)

  4. Good luck with your tasks!

    I seriously need to do this, too. I'm so disorganized, I often miss doing some staff and realize it later.

    H2OBaby :: Follow me #13
